I would like to point out that JavaScript has nothing to do
with the Java programming language itself. Many people unfamiliar with
JavaScript have a real problem with this, thinking that the word Java in JavaScript
denotes some kind of relationship. Well, the relationship is similar to the
relationship between "pine" trees and pineapples, or apples and pineapples. Yes,
they are all distantly related, but that is the end of it.
My first encounter with coding JavaScript was in a web
development class that was taught at Penn State as part of a web design
certificate program. Impatiently I took the precursors, waiting for the class in
which my programming skills would help. About 5 minutes into the class, it
quickly became apparent that certain experiences would be more useful JavaScript
precursors than others. For example, other than providing somewhere for the
JavaScript to go, the HTML class wouldn't be of much use. Knowledge of C or any
similar language, such as C++, Java, Pascal, or even PL/I, on the other hand,
would go a long way toward helping to learn JavaScript.
In this chapter, I cover the following aspects of
In JavaScript, all numbers are 64-bit double-precision
floating-point numbers, whether they are floating point or integer. This means
that 18,437,736,874, 454,810,624 values divided evenly between positive and
negative can be represented in JavaScript. In addition, there are three
"special" values, increasing the total to 18,437,736,874,454,810,627.
JavaScript strings are UTF-16 strings or 16-bit Unicode
Transformation Formats: character encoding. What it comes down to is that each
character in a string is represented in 2 bytes, which means that the potential
for display of non-English characters exists. This might not seem like a big
deal, but it very well could be when the boss walks into your office and asks
about internationalization. Ooh, scary.
JavaScript Boolean data types are the standard true/false data
types that we've all been exposed to umpteen times, end of story.
Although it's not an object type, I've chosen to include arrays
here because they are a useful mechanism for grouping related information. A
relatively simple data structure, arrays permit the access of information based
upon an integer index. In JavaScript arrays, this index begins at zero and
increases by one for each element of the array.
An item of interest about arrays in JavaScript is that it isn't
necessary for the individual elements of an array to all be of the same type,
although it might be a good idea to ignore this capability because it presents a
world of opportunities to really screw up. However, some really nice goodies
built into JavaScript more than make up for the potential issues that might
arise from weak typing.
First things first. Let's take a look at the three ways to
define a JavaScript array: defining an empty array, defining an array with a set
number of elements, and defining an array with a set number of elements with
values. Each of these three ways uses the Array() constructor, as shown
in the following snippets:
var one = new Array(); var two = new Array(3); var three = new Array('red', 'green', 'blue');
In local scope, the variable is defined
within a particular function. The simplest way to explain it is by examining the
two functions in Listing . The first
function, Jeckle, defines a variable named monster. The second
function, Frankenstein, also defines a variable named monster.
Because both variables are local, Jeckle's monster is a
different monster than Frankenstein's.
Two Local Variables
function Jeckle() { var monster = 'Mister Hyde'; } function Frankenstein() { var monster = 'Bob'; }
Global scope refers to variables that are defined throughout the entire page. They are defined in one of two ways, either using a var and declaring the variable outside a function, or omitting the var and declaring it within a function. I don't have a problem with the first method of declaring a global variable, but I have some definite issues with the second. All that it takes is one case of "sausage fingers"; a mistyped variable name, and I'm debugging for hours.Operators
JavaScript Operators
Operator Type Description a + b Arithmetic Addition a - b Arithmetic Subtraction a* b Arithmetic Multiplication a / b Arithmetic Division a % b Arithmetic Modulus, the remainder to division ++a Arithmetic Increment by one --a Arithmetic Decrement by one a = b Assignment Set equal to a += b Assignment Increment by the value on the right a -= b Assignment Decrement by the value on the right a *= b Assignment Multiply by the value on the right a /= b Assignment Divide by the value on the left a %= b Assignment Modulus by the value on the right a == b Comparison Equal to, value a === b Comparison Equal to, value and type a != b Comparison Not equal to a > b Comparison Greater than a < b Comparison Less than a >= b Comparison Greater than/equal to a <= b Comparison Less than/equal to a && b Logical And a || b Logical Or !a Logical Not a + b String String concatenation a=(condition)?b:c Comparison Comparison operator typeof(a) Special Returns a string consisting of the operand type void a Special Suppresses the return of a variable
Flow Control StatementsThe Basics of the JavaScript if Statement
if(a == 1) alert('a is one'); else { alert('a is not one'); if(b == 1) { if(c == 1) alert('Both b and c are one'); } else alert('b is not one'); }Basic Structure of the switch Statement
switch(number) { case(0): alert('zero'); break; case(1): case(3): alert('odd < 5'); break; case(2): case(4): alert('even < 6'); break; default: alert('many'); break; }Looping
The purpose of looping in programs is to execute a series of statements repeatedly, thus cutting down on the required lines to code. This reduction in the number of lines has the advantage of improving the overall readability. In addition, loops allow for a variable number of executions. Personally, loops mean that I don't have to type any more than I have to, but, hey, I'm a hunt-and-peck typist.Examples of for and for/in Loops
var factorial = 1; var numbers = new Array(1,2,3,4,5); var index; for(var i=1;i < 6;i++) factorial *= i; factorial = 1; for(var i=5;i > 0;i) factorial *= i; factorial = 1; for(index in numbers) factorial *= numbers[index]; alert(factorial); |
Function That Concatenates Two Strings
function concatenate(a,b) { return a.toString() + b.toString(); } |
There is a perfectly logical reason for this similarity; my mind-reading machine
has been perfected. Either that or I'm aware that the majority of developers
know only a couple ways to define a JavaScript function. Which is the truth?
I'll give you a hint: It is currently the fall of 2005, and I'm writing this on
the SEPTA R5 line on my way to Doylestown, Pennsylvania. If I actually could
read minds across space and time, I would have won Powerball last week and I'd
be writing this on the beach in Tahiti.
This means that, as web developers, we're all in a rut, doing
the same thing the same way day after day and year after year. Yeah, I know the
drill: "It works, so why change it?" and "I always do it that way" are usually
the statements used. To these statements, I have one response, "You learn more
from your mistakes than you do from your successes!"
When you actually get down to it, there are several separate
and distinct ways to define a function in JavaScript. Why so many ways to define
a function? I can't rightfully say, but I can take a guess. It has always seemed
to me that the more ways there are to perform a single task, the more flexible
the language is and the more problems can be solved.
Getting back to our function that concatenates two strings,
we've already seen one possible method of implementing the solution, so let's
take a look at another way. JavaScript has the Function() constructor
for, interestingly enough, constructing functions. The Function
constructor, an example of which is shown here, is used to create a function and
assign it to a variable or an event handler.
var concatenate = new Function('a','b','return a.toString() + b.toString()');
In addition to the Function constructor, the
function operator can be used to assign a function to a variable. One
of the more interesting "features" of the Function constructor is that
it shows that JavaScript is really an interpreted language because the function
is stored as a string. This is an example of our string concatenation example
defined using the function operator:
var concatenate = function(a,b) {return a.toString() + b.toString
recursion occurs when a function calls itself repeatedly to achieve some kind of result. Some examples of functions that readily lend themselves to recursion are mathematical, such as the Euclidean algorithm, the Ackerman Function and the functions to compute factorials, Fibonacci numbers, and Catalan numbers.
Event Handling
Operator |
Syntax |
Description |
blur |
object.onblur = function |
Fires when an object loses focus, such as when Tab is pressed or another object is clicked. |
focus |
object.onfocus = function |
Fires when the object gets focus, either programmatically or through user interaction. |
load |
window.onload = function |
Fires when the page is loaded. This event can be simulated by periodically checking the document's readystate property. |
resize |
window.onresize = function |
Fires when the window is resized. |
scroll |
window.onscroll = function |
Fires when the page's scroll bars are used. |
unload |
window.onunload = function |
Fires just before the page is onloaded. Although it is commonly used by pop-ups to spawn more pop-ups, it does have some legitimate uses. |
onclick |
object.onclick = function |
Fires when an object is clicked. |
dblclick |
object.ondblclick = function |
Fires when an object is double-clicked. |
mousedown |
object.onmousedown = function |
Fires when the mouse button is pressed. |
mouseup |
object.onmouseup = function |
Fires when the mouse button is released. |
mousemove |
object.onmousemove = function |
Fires when the mouse is moved. |
mouseover |
object.onmouseover = function |
Fires when the mouse pointer moves over the specified object. |
mouseout |
object.onmouseout = function |
Fires when the mouse pointer moves off the specified object. |
change |
object.onchange = function |
Fires when the object's value changes. |
reset |
object.onreset = function |
Fires when the object (form) is reset. |
select |
object.onselect = function |
Fires when a different option is selected on the object (select). |
submit |
object.onsubmit = function |
Fires when the object (form) is submitted. |
keydown |
object.onkeydown = function |
Fires when a keyboard key is pressed when the specified object has focus. |
keyup |
object.onkeyup = function |
Fires when a keyboard key is released when the specified object has focus. |
keypress |
object.onkeypress = function |
A combination of both the keydown and keyup events. |
Next Chapter
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